Folk remedies for increasing power have long been popular. In the absence of medicines that can increase male intimate strength, traditional medicine prescriptions were a real salvation. Therefore, to date, the method of using medicinal plants remains quite common.

Simple techniques
Traditional medicine offers some simple techniques to normalize and restore sexual function. There are even some popular ways to increase male potency in three days. Let's examine the main ones:
The method involves pouring a tablespoon of chopped hop cones with a glass of water. Then the resulting mixture should be cooked for 10 minutes. The resulting broth should be filtered. For a rapid increase in male strength, take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
Cilantro and parsley
The method is based on the preparation of an infusion of crushed, dried leaves of cilantro and parsley. They are poured with boiling water, then insist. It is also recommended to take a tablespoon in pure form during meals.
Honey and nuts
This method is one of the most delicious. To increase male potency, traditional medicine recommends mixing chopped walnuts and honey in equal parts. The mixture should be taken in two teaspoons half an hour after a meal, washed down with milk. The frequency of admission during the day is 2-3 times. This method normalizes potency, increasing the synthesis of male sex hormones and also meets the daily need for minerals and vitamins.
Aralia root
Apply as a solution. For its preparation, the following method is known: pour a tablespoon of crushed root with alcohol. The container with the solution is placed in a dark and preferably cool place. Two weeks later, the drug for a rapid increase in strength is ready for use.
From the root of this plant, you can prepare a spice, which should be used to spice up meat, fish dishes. Another method to increase male potency involves making an infusion from the seeds. A tablespoon is poured with a glass of hot water, after two hours the drink is ready to drink.
Traditional medicine has long recommended the inclusion of garlic in the diet as a means to improve male strength. The method of preparing such a medicine for men is not complicated. To do this, finely grind 1 kg of garlic and place in a three-liter jar. Then pour boiling water, insisting for a month. It should be remembered that the jar with the mixture should be shaken daily. It should be taken in one teaspoon a day.
Turnips are used raw or boiled. There is a way to combat erectile dysfunction in men using turnips boiled in milk. It is also allowed to use vegetables with fresh or boiled roots. A good effect can be achieved in three days by eating a salad with carrots and turnips.
The use of dried ginger with honey is considered very effective. The optimal ratio of ingredients is 1: 1. The tool not only helps increase strength, but also has a tonic effect on the male body. Half a spoon (teaspoon) should be taken three times a day with water.
This plant is included in most medicines to improve strength. Ginseng works to increase testosterone production and improve sperm quality. Therefore, it is not surprising that traditional medicine also recommends the use of ginseng for men. The method is based on the fact that the root of the plant is crushed and poured with vodka. The optimal ratio is 1: 20. The container with the resulting mixture is sent to a dark place for two weeks. 20 drops should be taken before meals three times a day.
For a rapid increase in strength in men, you can take carrot juice. Great efficiency is achieved by mixing it with honey. Take a quarter cup three times a day.
We start with the right food
When talking about non-drug treatment methods, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of proper nutrition. Undoubtedly, for normal functioning, the male body must receive all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins. Therefore, food should be complete and balanced. In addition, there is a way to normalize male sexual function by including certain foods in the diet. The main ones are presented below:
Sea shells, radishes and mussels are known to be powerful aphrodisiacs and can increase sexual activity. And if you also cook a sauce based on celery and parsley, which are also excellent stimulants, then the effect of the dish will be even greater.
Eggs are beneficial in every form because they are considered a powerful stimulant of male potency in many nations. In this case, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also sour eggs. Greater efficiency is provided if you cook an omelette or scrambled eggs with the addition of onions, which also increases sexual activity, because it is aphrodisiac. Although the increase in male strength does not occur as quickly as when using medicinal plants.
Traditional medicine claims that tomatoes are able to activate the activity of the gonads, as a result, there is an improvement in sexual function in men. But it is better to use them not raw, but after heat treatment. For example, bake in the oven or simmer a little.
The secret of efficiency
It should be remembered that folk remedies for the normalization of power in men are less effective than medicines. After all, the positive effect of their use does not appear immediately. Usually, a three-day course is not enough; a much longer receipt of the above funds is needed.
Folk remedies for increasing power are quite popular. They are used not only independently, but also as part of various plant collections. The right combination allows you to achieve the desired effect in even three days of use. There are several explanations for the popularity of traditional treatments:
- They are affordable and also easy to use.
- Most of them are our usual foods and by adjusting the diet in their favor, you can significantly improve male sexual function.
- Increasing power with folk remedies does not require significant financial costs, unlike the advertised medicines.
Despite the safety of use and the absence of side effects from such treatment methods, prior consultation with a physician is recommended. After all, a serious illness can be the cause of sexual dysfunction. Therefore, timely examination is important.
How to quickly increase potency before sex
Every man, regardless of age and social status, wants to have strong potency and marathon stamina in intimate contacts. But many negative factors change the erectile function of the male body:
- chronic diseases;
- bad ecology;
- substandard synthetic products;
- intoxication from frequent contact with household chemicals and other chemicals;
- smoking and alcohol addiction;
- ignoring sports activities;
- improper nutrition;
- lack of sleep and rest;
- hypodynamics and stress.
Measures aimed at restoring a man's sexual health will help improve the situation. If a man can not increase strength himself, you should contact an andrologist.
When erectile dysfunction has not yet taken on a global scale, but a man still has doubts in himself, tips on how to quickly increase potency before intercourse will help.
Tips on how to quickly increase potency
The first tip
A certain approach to nutrition will help increase strength rapidly. The diet should include products that can increase strength quite quickly and without harmful properties for the body:
- seafood. Due to the high content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids and minerals, oysters and shrimp are able to restore hormone production and increase strength;
- baked asparagus. The plant has stimulating properties, increases libido;
- arra. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts are capable of increasing strength, especially with regular use, but are also quite suitable for a forced increase in strength. Thanks to zinc and other ingredients of nuts, this product has a positive effect not only on libido, but also on the production of testosterone - the main sex hormone in men. In this case, they should be mixed with honey or sour cream;
- parsley with sour cream. Such a simple salad can be used as a power-enhancing dish, which can improve the quality of relationships;
- ginger. The root of this plant has many healing qualities. Ginger tea, decoction and infusion can improve male potency and treat prostatitis.
Of course, you do not have to eat all the foods at once in order to immediately increase strength. Excessive eating can cause stomach upset.
Second tip
The power of death must be increased by performing a few exercises. The whole range of physical activities is aimed at increasing blood flow to the pelvic organs. With improper blood flow, the genitals are not properly supplied with blood and oxygen, and without this, a strong erection is impossible. Exercise is not difficult and there are no contraindications. The gymnastic complex that increases potency is quite extensive. Basic exercises:
- pubico-coccygeal muscle training: lie on your back, stretch your legs slightly. Alternatively tense and weaken the perineum muscles, trying to pull the anus and testicles together, as it were. In this case, the buttocks should be in a relaxed state. Feels similar to forced urine retention;
- an erection can be improved by prostate stimulation. To perform this exercise, sit with your feet in a chair and press the area between the anus and testicles in the seat. The hindquarters do not participate in the exercise;
- Another exercise that can increase strength is stretching the perineum muscles. Sitting on the floor, you should bend your knees at the maximum angle. Using your hands, try to stretch your knees in different directions and place them on the floor. When bringing the knees to their original position, the hands should work to counteract;
- good results are obtained by training the muscles of the anus. It is necessary to strain and relax them 15-20 times in one approach. It should be repeated several times a day for 3-4 approaches.
The third tip
Half an hour break. To recover, you need to relax completely. Turn off external stimuli: phone, TV, radio. The best option is to fall asleep. But do not allow yourself to sleep more than 30-40 minutes.
Fourth tip
Another method that increases power is a contrast bath after rest. This procedure improves mood, tones muscles and increases testosterone production. Some rules for use: at the beginning of the procedure, the water should be warm, then hot (not scorching), then cold, it is recommended to change the water temperature up to 5 times, not to wet the head, after a shower wipe tightlywith a stiff towel.
Fifth tip
A drink to improve strength should be chosen based on its usefulness. This can be hot chocolate or ginger tea. You should not drink coffee.
Tip Six
The use of medications to improve erectile function has an almost immediate result. In addition, medications will give masculine strength and in the duration of intimate contact. Modern generation medicines allow maintaining energy at a high level after 50 years. The disadvantages of this method are:
- contraindications to the use of drugs for health reasons;
- drug abuse often affects the work of other organs. Therefore, they should only be used in emergencies.
A rapid increase in power is quite possible, but it will not be long-term. To improve a man's strength for a long time, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, observe a dietary diet, have regular intimate contacts and play sports regularly. Maximum result can be expected only from complex systemic therapy.
At present, there are many different medications used to stimulate strength. But this is only a temporary solution to the problem that has arisen and is not a treatment. Men often try to keep everything secret and do not rush to seek medical help. By searching for different information, to increase potency, they do not always find accurate and effective advice, which even more can lead to a disorder of the body. But all is not so bad, because folk remedies that have passed the test of time have often become an excellent effective alternative to current medicine.
Folk remedies for a rapid increase in power
A great way to increase strength at home is to use natural coffee. You just have to drink coffee without abuse. An excellent remedy is also an infusion of eleutherococcus and ginseng herb. The application is done according to this course: for 28 days, starting with one drop in half a cup of water, the next day two drops, then three and so on up to 28 drops on the 28th day, every three months. Contraindications for people with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
Also traditional medicine did not go beyond treatment with water procedures. Two containers are filled with hot and cold water. Then, one by one, with an interval of 15 seconds, we immerse ourselves in them, first in hot and then in cold, performing the procedure for 30 minutes. You should do these steps for two weeks, once every three months.
For lovers of relaxing procedures, take a bath with a decoction of bay leaves or chamomile. The recipe is as follows: boil the bay leaves or chamomile flowers, 50 grams per three liters of boiling water, soak for 15-20 minutes and pour into the bath. Take it for 30 minutes, at least every day.
Another good recipe is to take a bath with the addition of a decoction of cones and pine branches. The cooking process is simple: pour the ingredients with cold water, then cook on low heat for half an hour. It is injected for 12 hours, with the lid tightly closed, after which it can be added to the bath.
A decoction of Dubrovnik herbs is known for its power treatment. Prepare in the mass of 5 tablespoons a dried plant per cup of boiling water and inject for 45 minutes. A decoction is used: 3 to 4 times a day, 60 ml for two weeks.
A decoction of ordinary calamus has been proven quite well. 20 g chopped calamus root, pour a glass of boiling water. Then, for 8 hours, steam and 30 ml is applied inside, three times a day, before meals for 15 minutes. You can also chew calamus roots in small pieces.
Treating male disease with nettles is a great benefit. The recipe includes nettle seeds, which you need to crush, mix with a glass of grape wine and add a tablespoon of honey. Take every night before bed, 30 minutes before. Cooking a salad with fresh nettles and onions, with the addition of an egg, is also a great way to increase strength.
The use of alcohol-injected ginseng for medical purposes is quite popular. The infusion is not only suitable for the treatment of strength, but also has a positive effect on strengthening the weakened organism as a whole.
It is no secret that food plays an important role in increasing strength in men.
- Foods that contain protein and protein are nuts, raw dairy products, fish meat and meat itself.
- Highly effective, seafood like all crustaceans and seaweed salads are considered to increase potency.
- Also, be sure to use the vitamins contained in fresh fruits and vegetables. In the preparation of dishes, the addition of fresh herbs is mandatory.
- Use all kinds of spices, add them to tea or coffee, which stimulate potency well.
- A proven way to increase strength at home are raw or boiled eggs, fried with onions or just an omelet.
- As a dessert is honey with nuts.
By applying one, or rather several in combination, the presented recipes and with the right nutrition, you can surely start the fight against weakened strength and achieve positive results.